Women in Gaming (WIG) Diversity & Inclusion Awards

The gaming industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the number of female gamers increasing rapidly. Women now make up almost 50% of the gaming population, and this has led to a growing demand for increased diversity and inclusion in the industry. To address this need, the Women in Gaming (WIG) Diversity & Inclusion Awards are set to take place in 2023.

The WIG Diversity & Inclusion Awards are aimed at recognizing and celebrating the achievements of women in the gaming industry. The awards will recognize individuals, teams, and organizations that have demonstrated exceptional commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in the gaming industry. The awards are designed to promote and encourage diversity, inclusivity, and equality in the gaming industry and inspire the next generation of women in gaming.

The WIG Diversity & Inclusion Awards will take place in 2023 and will feature a range of categories, including Best Diversity & Inclusion Initiative, Best Diversity & Inclusion Team, and Best Diversity & Inclusion Advocate. The awards will be open to individuals, teams, and organizations from across the gaming industry, including game developers, publishers, and esports organizations.

The event will be a celebration of the contributions of women to the gaming industry and will provide a platform for networking and collaboration. The awards ceremony will feature keynote speakers from the gaming industry, as well as interactive workshops and panel discussions on topics related to diversity and inclusion in gaming.

The event will be an opportunity for women in gaming to come together, share their experiences, and inspire each other. It will also provide a platform for the wider gaming industry to learn from the experiences and insights of women in gaming and to work towards a more diverse and inclusive industry.

The WIG Diversity & Inclusion Awards are being organized by a team of industry experts and advocates for diversity and inclusion in gaming. The team is committed to creating an event that is inclusive, supportive, and empowering for all attendees. The team is also committed to ensuring that the awards are transparent and fair, with a rigorous judging process that ensures that the winners are truly deserving of recognition.

The WIG Diversity & Inclusion Awards are an important step towards creating a more inclusive and diverse gaming industry. They are a celebration of the contributions of women to the industry and a platform for promoting and encouraging diversity and inclusivity. They are also an opportunity for the wider gaming industry to learn from the experiences and insights of women in gaming and to work towards a more equitable and inclusive future.

In conclusion, the Women in Gaming (WIG) Diversity & Inclusion Awards is a significant event in the gaming industry. They are a celebration of the contributions of women to the industry and a platform for promoting and encouraging diversity and inclusivity. The awards will recognize and celebrate the achievements of individuals, teams, and organizations that have demonstrated exceptional commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in the gaming industry. The event will provide a platform for networking, collaboration, and learning and will inspire the next generation of women in gaming. The WIG Diversity & Inclusion Awards are an important step toward creating a more equitable and inclusive gaming industry, and we can't wait to see the impact they will have.

Claire Hastings

(Marketing & Promotions)

[email protected]

Women in Gaming & Diversity Awards 2023


For more info please visit: gaming-awards.com

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